- Get a Manhattan gallery that will represent my interests on a national/international level.
- Do more group shows
- Cure Beevis and Creepers of their respective illnesses/neurosis. Or at least stabilize them.
- Rock Boston
- Eat a super-healthy diet, including greens every day
- Resolve my financial woes
- Seize opportunity when it lands in my lap.
- Find some kind of emotional equilibrium (yeah right!)
- Always ask people’s names when talking on the telephone
- Celebrate, rather than resent, my friends’ and neighbors’ riches.
One obvious way to improve my emotional well-being, which is seemingly omitted from the list, would be to resolve the tension between citymouse and countrymouse. When I decided to start this blog, I realized that the way out of that constant self-doubt is to actually embrace it. So no attempt to eliminate that conflict. Rather I shall attempt to understand it and celebrate it.
Tomorrow, I will recap last year’s vows and analyze their success/failure or how their context might have changed.